
Get rid of bitterness,rage and anger!!!

If only we have a glimpse of how destructive these acts are and how much these have negatively impacted destinies, we will flee from any kind of bitterness and unforgiveness. See, these are one of the main that push the presence of God away from us. The Holyspirit can NEVER reside in anywhere these are…

No to Timidity

When I was a teenager, I was a shy and timid young girl. Despite this weakness, I was well-preserved and protected by God and my parents.Then, I got to university, God brought the right people. I had mostly the right friendships and met a lot of good people. As a result of this, I had…

Seeing God as a Father

The God described in the bible relates to us on a different level. Jesus was asked to teach us how to pray and the first thing He said was for us to say “Our Father in heaven”. This God sees us as His! What a privilege! We all know what a relationship between a…

God is with you

Someone sent a message to me and it reminded me of a really bad day some years back. That day was like all hell was loose, It was really bad and I was so sad and frustrated and was even too weak to pray and all I could do as I laid down was to…

No shadow of turning

Do you know what the bible means when it says ‘in God there is no shadow of turning’?God’s light is shadowless. When He turns, no shadow is made. Ordinary lights wax and wane, shift, move around, go through phases, and fade; even the sun can get eclipsed. God’s light is unchanging; God’s light cannot be…

Demonstrating love

Demonstrating love. God’s word comes with action. The bible has so many passages of God’s declaration of His love for you, it is not a love letter and promises to get your attention. God wrote those love letters to you because He loves you so much and nothing can withhold the love. He demonstrated His…

You are worthy

Do you always find yourself trying so hard to prove to people that you are worthy? Do you because of this work so hard night and day, never getting enough sleep or rest due to fear of failure and sense of worthlessness? Are you in a constant battle with fears, your mind and others? Hear…

God’s word is the same

Time may change but God’s word remains the same. The ten Commandments can never be out of date. It is God, the manufacturer, potter and maker’s guide for us to live fruitful lives. Look at our world today, disobedience, lies, murder, jealousy, perversion, idolatry, and all others and we see what these have led our…

Never separate yourself from God

One of the biggest mistakes any human could ever make is to separate him/herself from the love of God when facing challenges of life.Stay under His wings, NEVER say God does not love you because of those trials you go through. No matter the tribulation you face, remain under His banner of love. STAY THERE!…

I am writing this to you

I am writing this to you, because you are loved by God. I am writing this to you, because you are not condemned anymore. I am writing this to you, because God has enabled you with power, love and a sound mind. I am writing this to you, because you have victory over the evil…

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