When I was a teenager, I was a shy and timid young girl. Despite this weakness, I was well-preserved and protected by God and my parents.
Then, I got to university, God brought the right people. I had mostly the right friendships and met a lot of good people. As a result of this, I had fewer experiences of drama, pain, betrayal, or hurt. My timidity started to fade in University.
I went for my NYSC and became friends with a young Christian lady who was an author and speaker as of then in 2002. She was part of her Uni’s fellowship executive and also an executive in the student union. She had the right exposure, a very bold lady, a great speaker, and a teacher of the bible. I had been growing in my relationship with Jesus but needed more help. I watched her strengths, bold yet simple and humble. I learned watching her that you can be a bold lady yet show humility and be feminine..lol. In this next phase in my walk with God, I needed to learn how to be led only by the Holy Spirit and this comes with boldness because you will have to silence other voices. To do this, you need confidence to make decisions that no one, not even family will be able to stop. When the Holy Spirit came on the disciples, it brought boldness. When God says be bold, and be strong, he didn’t say it to the male folks and soldiers only, It is for every believer.
Timidity leads to so many errors, that it can make a person be slapped badly across life just because there is no strong footing.
Yes, my learning took a longer while and I’m still learning but one thing I must say is God took me by the hands as my main teacher, and His grace found me.
Today, for a few, I still take a long time to make decisions but definitely not timidity. In the last 17 years, I have made many bold steps that surprised me and the results blew my mind that I knew only God could have done it.
Yes, you can be a bit shy but capital NO to being timid, that is from hell. Stop hindering the Holy Spirit’s work and power in you. Be bold, strong, courageous, and confident as this is not an option it is a MUST